2013-May-30 Pete Brunet Changes from 1.2.1 to 1.3 * doxygen.conf - Change version from 1.2.1 to 1.3. * api\Accessible2.idl - Add reference to the new IA2Actions enum. - Mark IAccessibleTable as being deprecated. - Update the documentation on the extaneous [in] parameters of IAccessible2's extendedStates and localizedExtendedStates methods, and IAccessibleAction's keyBinding method. - Update the copyright date. * api\Accessible2_2.idl - This is a new interface. - It subclasses IAccessible2. - It adds the attribute, accessibleWithCaret, and relationTargetsOfType methods. * api\AccessibleAction.idl - Add IA2Actions enum - Update the copyright date. * api\AccessibleDocument - This is a new interface containing the anchorTarget method. * api\AccessibleEditableText.idl - Document that copyText, cutText, and pasteText are deprecated. - Update the copyright date. * api\AccessibleHypertext2.idl - This is a new interface. - It subclasses IAccessibleHypertext and adds the hyperlinks method. * api\AccessibleRelation.idl - Update the copyright date. - Add new relations: IA2_RELATION_CONTAINING_APPLICATION IA2_RELATION_CONTAINING_DOCUMENT IA2_RELATION_CONTAINING_TAB_PANE IA2_RELATION_CONTAINING_WINDOW IA2_RELATION_NEXT_TABBABLE IA2_RELATION_NODE_PARENT_OF IA2_RELATION_PREVIOUS_TABBABLE * api\AccessibleTable2.idl - Update the copyright date. - Document that caption and summary are deprecated. - Remove extraneous comma on size_is spec of selectedCells. * api\AccessibleTableCell.idl - Remove extraneous comma on size_is spec of columnHeaderCells and rowHeaderCells. - Update the copyright date. * api\AccessibleText.idl - Update the copyright date. - Fix documentation of textAtOffset. * api\AccessibleText2.idl - This is a new interface. - It subclasses IAccessibleText and adds the attributeRange method. * api\IA2TypeLibrary.idl - Update the copyright date. - Update the GUID. - Update the version number. - Add interface statements for IAccessible2_2, IAccessibleDocument, IAccessibleHypertext2, IAccessibleText2. * buildapi.sh - include new IDL files in the merged IDL.