IAccessible2 API  Version 1.3
General Information

The following information is applicable to two or more interfaces.

Error Handling
Memory Management
  Special Consideration when using Arrays
Zero and One Based Indexes
Enum Base
Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods
Discovery of Interfaces
Changing between Accessible Interfaces
Access to Information about the Application
Child IDs
IAccessibleHyperlink as subclass of IAccessibleAction
Trademark Attribution

Error Handling

HRESULT values are defined by the Microsoft® Win32® API. For more information, refer to Interpreting HRESULT Values in MSDN®.

Note that the S_FALSE return value is considered a non-error value and the SUCCEEDED macro will return TRUE. S_FALSE is used when there is no failure but there was nothing valid to return, e.g. in IAccessible2::attributes when there are no attributes. When S_FALSE is returned [out] pointer types should be NULL and [out] longs should generally be 0, but sometimes -1 is used such as IAccessible2::indexInParent, IAccessibleText::caretOffset, and IAccessibleHypertext::hyperlinkIndex.

Note that for BSTR [out] variables common COM practice is that the server does the SysAllocString and the client does the SysFreeString. Also note that when NULL is returned there is no need for the client to call SysFreeString. Please refer to the documentation for each method for more details regarding error handling.

Memory Management

The following memory management issues should be considered:

The following articles may be helpful for understanding memory management issues:

Special Consideration when using Arrays

There are several methods which return arrays. In the case of IAccessible2::relations and IAccessibleRelation::targets the client must allocate and free the arrays.

For the remaining methods which return arrays, the server must allocate the array and the client must free the array when no longer needed. These methods are IAccessible2::extendedStates, IAccessible2::localizedExtendedStates, IAccessible2_2::relationTargetsOfType, IAccessibleAction::keyBinding, IAccessibleHypertext2::hyperlinks, IAccessibleTable::selectedChildren, IAccessibleTable::selectedColumns, IAccessibleTable::selectedRows, IAccessibleTable2::selectedCells, IAccessibleTable2::selectedColumns, IAccessibleTable2::selectedRows, IAccessibleTableCell::columnHeaderCells, and IAccessibleTableCell::rowHeaderCells. For those methods, the server must allocate both the top level array and any storage associated with it, e.g. for BSTRs. The server must allocate the arrays with CoTaskMemAlloc and any BSTRs with SysAllocString. The client must use CoTaskMemFree to free the array and any BSTRs must be freed with SysFreeString.

Also, the IDL for IAccessible2::extendedStates, IAccessible2::localizedExtendedStates, IAccessibleAction::keyBinding, IAccessibleTable::selectedChildren, IAccessibleTable::selectedColumns, and IAccessibleTable::selectedRows includes an extraneous [in] parameter for the caller to specify the max size of the array. This parameter will be ignored by the COM server.

Zero and One Based Indexes

Unless otherwise specified all offsets and indexes are 0 based.

Enum Base

Note that enums start at 0.

Special Offsets for use in the IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText Methods

IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText can use one or more of the following special offset values. They are defined in the IA2TextSpecialOffsets enum.

Discovery of Interfaces

In general AT (Assistive Technology) should try IAccessible2 interfaces, followed by using the MSAA (Microsoft® Active Accessibility®) interfaces. (In cases where the an application is known to have custom interfaces which provide information not supplied by IAccessible2 or MSAA, then those custom interfaces can be used.) The AT can then, by default, support unknown IAccessible2/MSAA applications, without the application developers having to request AT vendors for support on an individual application by application basis.

When you have a reference to an IAccessible and require a reference to an IAccessible2 use QueryService as follows:

// pAcc is a reference to the accessible object's IAccessible interface.
IServiceProvider *pService = NULL;
hr = pAcc->QueryInterface(IID_IServiceProvider, (void **)&pService);
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
IAccessible2 *pIA2 = NULL;
hr = pService->QueryService(IID_IAccessible, IID_IAccessible2, (void**)&pIA2);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pIA2) {
// The control supports IAccessible2.
// pIA2 is the reference to the accessible object's IAccessible2 interface.

Changing between Accessible Interfaces

Note that developers must always implement MSAA's IAccessible and, if needed, some of the interfaces in the set of IAccessible2 interfaces. Although the IAccessible2 IDL is coded such that IAccessible2 is a subclass of MSAA's IAccessible, none of MSAA's IAccessible methods are redefined by IAccessible2.

QueryService must be used to switch from a reference to an MSAA IAccessible interface to another interface. This has been documented and the pertinent facts have been extracted below:

Why use QueryService instead of just using QueryInterface to get IAccessibleEx directly? The reason is that since MSAA 2.0, clients don't talk to a server's IAccessible interface directly; instead they talk to an intermediate MSAA-provided wrapper that calls through to the original IAccessible. This wrapper provides services such as implementing IDispatch, supplying information from MSAA 2.0's Dynamic Annotation service, and scaling locations when running on Windows Vista with DPI scaling enabled. QueryService is the supported way to expose additional interfaces from an existing IAccessible and was originally used by MSHTML to expose IHTMLElement objects corresponding to IAccessibles. QueryService is often more convenient for servers to implement than QueryInterface because it does not have the same requirements for preserving object identity or symmetry/transitivity as QueryInterface, so QueryService allows servers to easily implement the interface on the same object or a separate object. The latter is often hard to do with QueryInterface unless the original object supports aggregation.

Two related references in MSDN® are:

Based on this information from Microsoft, QueryService must be used to switch back and forth between a reference to an MSAA IAccessible interface and any of the IAccessible2 interfaces.

Regarding switching between any of the IAccessible2 interfaces, applications implementing IAccessible2 should implement the IAccessible2 interfaces on a single object since ATs will be using QueryInterface to switch between the IAccessilbe2 interfaces. Implementing the IAccessible2 interfaces on separate objects would require the use of QueryService. There is one exception, IAccessibleApplication can be implemented on a separate object so its common code doesn't have to be included in each accessible object. ATs should use QueryService to access IAccessibleApplication.

Access to Information about the Application

Servers implementing IAccessible2 should provide access to the IAccessibleApplication interface via QueryService from any object so that ATs can easily determine specific information about the application such as its name or version.

Child IDs

The IAccessible2 interfaces do not support child IDs, i.e. simple child elements. Full accessible objects must be created for each object that supports IAccessible2. Therefore MSAA's get_accChild should never return a child ID (other than CHILDID_SELF) for an object that implements any of the IAccessible2 interfaces.

Microsoft's UI Automation specification has the same limitation and this was resolved in the UI Automation Express specification by adding IAccessibleEx::GetObjectForChild and IAccessibleEx::GetIAccessiblePair. These methods allow mapping back and forth between an IAccessibleEx and an {IAccessible, Child ID} pair. A future version of IAccessible2 may include similar methods to map back and forth between an IAccessible2 and an {IAccessible, Child ID} pair.


Some methods return a VARIANT. Implementers need to make sure that the return type is specified, i.e. VT_I4, VT_IDISPATCH, etc. The methods that return VARIANTs are IAccessibleHyperlink::anchor, IAccessibleHyperlink::anchorTarget, IAccessibleValue::currentValue, IAccessibleValue::maximumValue, IAccessibleValue::minimumValue.

IAccessibleHyperlink as subclass of IAccessibleAction

In this version of the IDL, IAccessibleHyperlink is a subclass of IAccessibleAction. However, there is no practical need for that inheritance and in some cases, such as an image map of smart tags, it doesn't make sense because such an image map doesn't have actionable objects; it's the secondary smart tags that are actionable. As a result, implementations should not rely on the inheritance as it may be removed in a later version of the IDL.

Trademark Attribution

The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. In particular, Active Accessibility, Microsoft, MSDN, and Win32 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies in the U.S.A. and/or other countries.

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